Upon enrolment at Brunswick Secondary College, all students and staff are assigned to one of the School Houses – Abyad (white), Cagaar (green), Lan Se (blue) or Oro (gold).
Each House is assigned a House Captain. These students assist staff and recruit others to organise complex House events and also serve and contribute as members of the Student Representative Council.
The House System is utilised to organise students into competition groups, most notably for intraschool carnivals such as the Athletics Carnival and the Swimming Carnival. The system is also implemented for other activities on a whole-school or year-level basis, such as wellbeing activities; House activities are largely inspired, organised and led by students.
The House System provides opportunity for students to develop friendships across all year levels and to exercise their leadership and teamwork skills. In turn, this strengthens community ties, embedding and enhancing a sense of inclusion and self-worth in all participants.