Did you know that your contributions directly influence the breadth of subjects offered, quality of resources, hands-on learning opportunities, facilities improvements and the range of learning activities?
Your commitment to supporting the school has a direct and powerful impact.
Our school requests contributions from families to pay for resources, services and activities that are not funded by the government but are critical to our school being able to deliver enriched educational opportunities and student support.
BSC’s School Council sets recommended fee contributions each year.
These contributions cover:
- Core and Electives Curriculum
- Extra Curricular Activities
- School Services
- Donations to the Brunswick Star Fund
1. Core and Electives Curriculum
The contributions cover core curriculum fees, and for students entering Years 9 to 12 these also include any fees for subjects in which they have chosen to enrol.
Core Curriculum
This contribution is the same for all students in that year level.
Level | Core Curriculum |
Year 7 | $490 |
Year 8 | $490 |
Year 9 | $270 |
Year 10 | $220 |
Year 11 | $220 |
Year 12 | $220 |
Electives Curriculum
This contribution is different for each student entering Years 9 to 12, and is based on the individual student’s choice of elective subjects. You can head to the BSC Curriculum website to see which subjects require payment of an additional fee.
Level | Electives Curriculum* |
Year 9 | Between $0- $80 |
Year 10 | Between $0- $95 |
Year 11 | Between $0 – $280 |
Year 12 | Between $0 – $230 |
*Excludes Outdoor Education programs
Level | Outdoor Education |
Year 9 | $415 – Bushwhacked |
Year 10 | $830 – Early Start VCE Outdoor Education (Units 1 & 2) |
Year 11 | $830- VCE Outdoor Education (Units 3 & 4) |
2. Extra Curricular Activities
BSC students enjoy an extensive range of programs and services offered in addition to the standard Victorian curriculum. These extra-curricular items and activities include:
- Instrumental Music tuition and ensemble program – $250 per semester. Visit BSC Curriculum – Instrumental Music for more information.
- Sports Program
- Camps and tours
- Excursions and incursions
- Duke of Edinburgh Program
These programs and activities are provided in addition to the standard Victorian curriculum, and are offered to all students on a user-pays basis.
3. School Services
School Services provided to all students including access to Compass Management software (including timetabling and Identification Cards) and Locker Services etc.
Years 7 to 12 | $50 per year |
4. Donations to the Brunswick Star Fund
Build, Discover & Connect
Voluntary donations to the Brunswick Star Fund help enrich student experiences and support vital developments to the school’s facilities and resources. Opportunities for donating include the following funds and associated projects:
Donations to the Building Fund help BSC realise ongoing upgrades to buildings and social spaces and larger projects, supporting current and future generations of students. Donations to the Building Fund are tax-deductible. |
Donations to the Library Fund help BSC to acquire library resources, develop library spaces and fund our diverse student co-curricular program, clubs and activities. Donations to the Library Fund are tax-deductible. |
At BSC, our aim is for our students to feel positive, connected and empowered. Donations to our Connect Fund help us deliver targeted projects to achieve this goal of enriching student experiences, opportunities and community. |
If you are a current BSC family you can choose to contribute when making your annual parent/carer payments. Alternatively, you can make a donation to the Brunswick Star Fund at any time of the year.
Donate now
Payment support
We are committed to providing a fair and equitable payment system and have a Parent Payment Policy in line with Department of Education guidelines. We offer payment arrangements and other support options to assist, including:
- The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) which helps eligible families with covering the costs of school camps, excursions/incursions, sport and outdoor education programs. CSEF is provided by the Department of Education and is automatically paid to BSC family accounts. Families can apply directly via BSC.
You can find further details about a range of financial help for families on the Victorian Department of Education’s SchoolsVic site.
Further details regarding Department of Education policy can be found here: Parent Payment Policy.