Another year, and the BSC Swimming carnival just goes from strength to strength! Hearty Congratulations to the winning house, Lan Se, who met the competition with vigour - ultimately winning the right to ring the much-coveted Brunswick Bell. The day was marked by friendly rivalry and enthusiastic cheering - and… Read More

We are pleased to advise that, for your convenience, the on site Uniform Shop will be open on additional dates between now and the start of the 2022 school year. November 2021 Saturday November 27:      9.00am - 2.00pm December 2021 Saturday December 18:      9.00am - 2.00pm… Read More

Congratulations to all members of Oro House!  The annual BSC Swimming Carnival was a fabulous success once again, with a variety of land and water-based activities in which students could participate, represent their house and win house points. Oro triumphed on the day - but everybody had a great day… Read More

Congratulations to graduate Meredith Walker, named Dux of the College for 2020. Every year the College Dux is awarded to the student who achieves the highest ATAR in the cohort and to be named Dux of the College is the highest accolade that can be bestowed upon any student.  Meredith… Read More

VCE results have been released for Year 12 students who sat examinations in 2020. Year 12 students received their ATARs and Study Scores for each subject, and some Year 11 students received a Study Score for their Unit 3 and 4 Early Start subject. Once again, our students' results show… Read More

The 2020 BSC Cross Country House Competition is underway - with a difference! Students have been tasked with designing their own cross country course - mapping a 3 km trail that they can run on their own so as to participate in the virtual competition.   Representing their House (Abyad, Cagaar,… Read More

The college's annual Senior Subject Expo was conducted last week and we are pleased to have received so much positive feedback around this important event. Students and families were invited to attend a range of virtual meetings, each meeting addressing a specific Learning Area subject.  Staff were on hand to… Read More